Sunday, March 6, 2011


This was our last day in church wearing these shirts. Praise the Lord for all he has provided for the needy entrepreneurs who will benefit from these efforts, and praise the Lord for this being the last Sunday I don't have to think about what I'm wearing. Pete told me this morning that he misses his other shirts. Me, too. Thursday is the last day, and I think on Friday I'll shock my staff and patients by not wearing scrubs (or the shirt underneath), and wearing normal clothes for once.

Normal clothes, like what you see on your typical Haitian. I remember my first trip there and seeing some kid wearing a Michael Jordan jersey. It seemed odd to me at the time, that someone in such abject poverty could really muster up a care about some super rich guy he'll never meet who made millions throwing a ball hither and thither (not to detract from his greatness, but you get the point).

Then again, I usually think the same thing here, too.

Maybe I'll burn this thing when I'm done with it. I don't think I'll ever be able to bring myself to wear it again, and I know I'll keep seeing it in my closet when I'm looking for a shirt amongst the 50 or so I never wear. And the fact that I just wrote the preceding sentence makes me think maybe we haven't done enough. I can tell you this--the boys have been patient about it, and very soon some prayers will be answered by a guy who needs to get his business going to feed his family.

That sure sounds familiar!


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