Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Twenty-Third Day

Conscientious. That's what these shirts have made me. Little stuff- like normally I'd toss the dark green leek tops in the trash. Today I made stock. Or NOT opening a new shampoo, brand B, because I used up all the conditioner of brand A, even though the brand A poo is still 1/4 full. Making the extra effort to finish out the toothpaste when the squeezing gets tough. Cleaning the drip pans instead of just being irritated at Greg for getting them so dirty. Took all of five minutes. Went through my jewelry- tossed the broken junk, made a sell/donate pile, used an old necklace cord to fix the wind chimes that have been rusting in a plastic tub for years. I organized my pantry, I actually know what's in it. Rice & malt, but no cider vinegar. Plenty of bamboo but no water chestnuts. Put 'em on the list. No last-minute Kroger runs. I don't launder things as often. I don't let avocado dry brown on the cutting board. And I don't complain as much. Less going through the motions. Even in a morning stupor, I inhale the fresh-ground coffee before spooning it in to the French press. I love that flower, and that one and that one, instead of lamenting that it's getting hot & they'll be gone soon, and what will I plant in their place? Sit with the boys and watch that dumb kid show instead of sweeping. FAR less computer. I wonder how I ever had time for it. 649 emails, oh my. So much for that New Year's resolution! I am learning to be happy when things are clean and cared for- as opposed to seeking perfection. Thinking in terms of, "What if I didn't have X?" rather than, "Oh how I wish I had the all-new Y instead of that stupid old X." Wearing the same shirt every day messes with your mind. In a good way.

1 comment:

  1. oh my. how wonderful and impressive. i have learned from you on your journey. thank you for putting it out into the cyber world.
